Ellen L. Behrens

Ellen L. Behrens is recognized by Continental Who’s Who as a Pinnacle Professional in the field of Social Services. Ellen is a Software Developer / Analyst III with the Stanislaus County Community Services Agency which provides a wide range of services for Stanislaus County, California. Ellen specializes in Web Design and Programming. She is currently branching out into the design of Apple applications for the Agency. She also has experience in Government Computer Purchasing, Software License Compliance, and Physical Inventory. Ellen began working with computer companies in the Bay Area, and now, located in Central California, she progressed to her current technical position as Software Developer. In order for Ellen to be where she is today, she invested time and funds in educating herself, and by taking advantage of opportunities at work to do her job to the best of her ability.


A major obstacle she has faced throughout her career has been criticism by others due to her degree in Music- people would often ask how she got into computers from a musical standpo
int, but at the end of the day, Ellen says all experience can provide knowledge which can be used in other situations. One of her greatest professional influences was her former employer, Sigrid Lorenzen Rupp, who was an architect. She was a very independent woman and encouraged Ellen to be so as well. Rupp greatly supported Ellen during her time as an independent consultant, and she says she wouldn’t be where she is today if it weren’t for Sigrid.


Additionally, Ellen has assisted in the production of media for the agency, and worked on producing the 2012 calendar for the Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC). In her spare time, Ellen enjoys dog obedience and fiber arts such as knitting and crocheting. She was a competitive swimmer for several years in her youth, and recently opened her home to a five year old Shetland Sheepdog rescue named Peavy. One of Ellen’s favorite pastimes is travel, and she enjoys vacationing with one of her close friends. Her friend, Phyllis, is the Chair of the Department of History at the College of Charleston and a medieval historian, therefore each trip they take is always fun and insightful. Together, they have been to Germany, Ireland, England and Scotland. Ellen attended Stanford University where she graduated with distinction, and received a B.A. in the study of music. In addition, Ellen earned a Russian Translator’s Certificate for written Russian to English translation.